Muzzle games

Muzzle games

Muzzles are an invaluable piece of walking equipment. They are required by law for some breeds and mixes so they keep your dog safe and inkeeping with legal requirements.  However, teaching your dog the skill of comfortably wearing a muzzle has endless benefits.  It...
Teach your dog to do a turnaround

Teach your dog to do a turnaround

Teaching your dog a “whiplash” turnaround is extremely useful as a leash skill.  Particularly when we are working through a variety of different behaviours from loose leash skills to leash reactivity.   Our leash is like our telephone line between us and...
Train your dog not to jump

Train your dog not to jump

An overexcited dog can easily be overwhelming. Besides the fact that it can make walking through the door challenging, it can also become a downright dangerous situation. The possibility of knocking people over, scratching, nipping, or even inadvertently head-butting...

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