Avoiding a spooky Halloween for your dog

Avoiding a spooky Halloween for your dog

Halloween is definitely a very different time of year with lots of unusual festivities and noise for our dogs to try and comprehend.  They will be relying on us more than ever to keep them safe ans help them cope with all of the fuss and spooks. The night itself may...
Understanding our dog’s behaviour

Understanding our dog’s behaviour

Many of our dogs live in a world where all of their natural, primary needs are not met. Barking, chasing, digging, etc are usually repressed or followed with being told not to which can lead to dogs finding other ways to find outlets for behaviours that are natural to...
National Black Dog Day 🖤

National Black Dog Day 🖤

“What is so special about October 1st?” I hear you ask. Over recent years, the 1st of October has marked more than just the changing of the seasons and the official welcome of Autumn.  October 1st has become an annual observance to mark a day dedicated to...
Glen 💙

Glen 💙

Everyone meet Glen. Glen came into our care on Tuesday evening on the 4th of September. Glen is literally skin and bones. Starved to near death. Thankfully some very kind people stepped in to help him and he is currently in our vets receiving vet care. Thank you to...

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