How to house train your puppy or adult dog

How to house train your puppy or adult dog

Toilet training is an important part of caring responsibly for your dog, whether you’re getting a puppy or an adult dog, you need to know how to house train them properly. Puppies need to learn important life skills, and training is an important bonding...
Crate introductions

Crate introductions

Crate training can prove to be tricky. Here is your how to guide for crate introductions. Please note, this has to be done very gradually over time at your dog’s own personal pace. If he starts to run out of the crate or not want to go in at any time, weve gone...
How to build the trust of a skittish dog

How to build the trust of a skittish dog

Some dogs can be skittish or nervous for varied reasons.  Some dogs can have a learning history of past experiences or situations being scary or stressful.  For example, a dog that has been trained using negative punishment will be in a state of anticipation of pain...
How to stop nuisance barking

How to stop nuisance barking

Nuisance barking can be a really difficult behavior to live with.  It can even channel into noise complaints from neighbours and become a really stressful thing to navigate. Dogs will always bark, it’s literally in their very nature but the barking has to...

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