Halloween Prep – making a safe den for your dog in the home

by | Oct 27, 2022 | Kennel Diaries, Updates

Halloween is in full fright this week and we’re all prepping our pet to keep them safe from all the spooks. All of the extra doorbells from trick or treaters, which is an anxiety or excitement trigger for many dogs is enough to instil panic in them. Not to mention all the bangers and fireworks that terrify so many dogs the month of October.

There’s lots of safety and pet health advice being passed around from all the professionals and we hear about setting up a den or crate to help make them feel safe, but what would this look like? A safe den in the home is a cornered or boxed off area of the home where your dog can retreat to undisturbed when he’s feeling fearful or anxious. A crate is probably the easiest thing at a short notice for instant comfort. Make sure it’s large enough for your dog to lie down in and turn around in.  The next best thing to do is cover your crate with a blanket or sheet that’s used and has your scent on it. Add an extra comfy bed. Some dogs shred stuffed beds when anxious and a couple of blankets would suit these types of dogs better.

Also, be prepared and have lots of puzzle toys, stuffed slow feeders and chews ready to go scattered in the den or ready to go in the freezer ahead of time.  Enrichment toys like these encourage natural dog behaviours like chewing, sniffing and licking and all of these behaviors increase stress reduction hormones and keep your dog busy and chilled.

The den is best to be undisturbed and kept as a calm place for your dog but that it can still be in a bust part of the household, like the corner of the sitting room or under the kitchen table for the night of Halloween itself. For more Halloween safety tips for your dog, speak to your vet or read some of our other blogs listed at www.paws.ie



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