The Paws Adoption Policy Explained

by | Oct 4, 2020 | Kennel Diaries

The Paws Adoption team are highly experienced in dog rescue and adoption and their job is to secure adopted dogs in homes in the hopes of securing successful adoptions where both the dogs and their new families are happy and can begin their new lives together with the best possible chance. Like most rescue shelters, Paws have adoption policies and procedures in place when the public come forward to adopt one of the dogs in our care.  These policies and procedures are carefully designed and set out guidelines so that Paws can do everything in our power to promote successful adoptions, find the best match between adopters and dogs and reduce numbers of dogs being returned to Paws. Once a dog is adopted, we hope that they have found their forever homes and their days of shelter life are truly behind them.  The process of being returned to kennel life can be very stressful on dogs and the people, who feel they need to return a dog, alike.

We always ask for public understanding during the adoption process to know that the policies in place are guidelines that Paws has set to help make the process as easy as possible. Many of the dogs in Paws’ care have come from difficult backgrounds or may have experienced trauma or abuse, if they have been abandoned or surrendered they may come with anxiety issues, they may have behavioural issues, or specific living requirements and the Paws Adoption policy reflects that and helps secure the dogs in homes that will best match them to their new owners.  It is important to note that the adoption policy is for both the benefit of the dog and new owners.

As part of the Paws Adoption Policy, we ask that dogs are rehome as family members and sleep indoors at night and not outside that can leave them susceptible to dog thieves or getting out of the garden and getting lost and prevents them from being left outside in cold temperatures or other harsh weather conditions.  The sleep indoors policy requires that dogs have a space to sleep inside and this can vary from a crate inside (if the dog is to be crate trained), a bed indoors, a pen in the corner of the kitchen etc. This policy is for the safety and comfort of the dog but also to help the easing into their new home process easier and prevent any separation anxiety issues that could arise. On meeting a Paws dog, the paws team member will be happy to elaborate further on this policy.

Paws ask that dogs are not rehomed to families with children under the age of 7.  This is because we are often unsure of the dogs’ experience around children and the safety of both new dogs and children is of paramount importance to Paws.

We also ask that gardens and yards are fully enclosed and dog proof with minimum 4 ft fences and/or walls. We ask that they are dog proof as low walls can easily be jumped and some fences that are property dividers can be chain link or post and rail that dogs can easily slip through and get lost, knocked down on the road or stolen. This policy is to ensure dog safety. In the case of large property areas, Paws will ask that just a smaller area of the property is fenced so that the dog has somewhere they can relieve themselves, sniff, play and romp around with their owners where they are safe from getting out and getting into trouble.

Every dog adopted from Paws is micrchipped, neutered, wormed and vaccinated. This is for both responsible pet ownership reasons, dog health and welfare and to help prevent any future unwanted litters.  There is an adoption fee of €140 to help cover all the care expenses of the dog.

Prior to any dog adoption, Paws will conduct a home check to ensure dogs are going to homes that will match them to their owners, meet our adoption requirements and to ensure dog proof fence and that they will sleep indoors. This is arranged after an adoption form has been filled.

PAWS appreciates everyone that gets in touch or wants to adopt one of the dogs in our care and thanks for public understanding in our adoption policy.


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