Winter safety for you and your dog

by | Nov 2, 2021 | Kennel Diaries, Updates

It’s official, winter is here and with it, comes colder weather and shorter days. This can make dog walks and exercise a little tougher. For lots of information on how to keep your dog happy, entertained and mentally stimulated indoors, take a look at our other blog posts on canine enrichment. However, for tips on winter safety with your pooch, we have compiled our best tips!

Dry them off. After a winter walk or romp in the garden, wipe down your dog’s paws and stomach and check their paw pads for cuts or abrasions. Ingested rock salt, antifreeze and other chemicals are dangerous for dogs, and spikey snow and ice can cut.

Keep them warm. Make sure your dog has a draft-free place to sleep indoors, with a nice cozy bed or thick blanket. Thinner coated breeds like lurcher, whippets and greyhounds need a weatherproof coat.

Keep them close. Don’t let dogs off-leash when it’s snowy or foggy or when you’re walking close to a road. They can lose your scent in icey weather and easily become lost. Make sure they’re wearing a collar and up-to-date tags, too, as well as their microchip being registered.

Light their way. Greater visibility will make walking in the dark evenings a lot more easier and safer! There are lots of aids available for this in reputable pet stores and online. Attach lights to collars, harnesses and leashes; invest in a reflective vest, especially if your dog is a dark colour. Be sure to wear reflective clothing yourself too.

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